The Final Meeting

The final meeting of each European project is always a festive event. We are joyful about the results and the work done, but we also feel a little sad that the meeting with great and inspiring people is coming to its end. And this was also our Prague meeting, which was the end of the ICT4Elders project. So on 5th and 6th April 2023 we met in the capital of the Czech Republic to summarize the project results, in particular IO3 Delivery of learning to elder caregivers (APSS ČR & AKMI), current status and next steps in general, reminder of indicators we have to reach, current status in the Czech Republic, current status in Greece (AKMI).
Then we looked at IO4 Guidance to elders on the use of ICT services (Život Plus & AKMI), in particular current status and next steps in general, reminder of indicators we have to reach, current status in the Czech Republic and current status in Greece (AKMI).
Another agenda in the busy two days was IO5 Engagement of nursing homes for the integration of ICT4Elders in their premises (EAN), current status and next steps in general, reminder of indicators we have to reach, implementation of activities in the Czech Republic, implementation of activities in Greece.
As usual, the meeting concluded with the summary of dissemination (EAN & APSS CR), multiplier events – Initiation of the activity (requirements, budget) (APSS CR) and also progress, achievements & next steps (EAN).
Throughout the programme we also reflected on new possibilities for projects that could build on ICT4Elders and further use its outputs.
We are happy for the great project outputs that will now help and, thanks to the availability on the web and free access, anyone will be able to use them We consider the project a success and are grateful for the great collaboration with all partners!